Nasza kolejna wycieczke zaczelismy od zwiedzenia Wombelono Falls, bardzo przyjemy spacer w lesie.
While we were driving towards Kinglake National Park, Marcus said to me "Those trees look so weird, do you think there was a fire here?" and the closer to the centre of the Park we were the more burnt it looked. As it turns out, in February 2009 98% of the forest was burnt in a bushfire. It wasn't that long ago, just 3 years and the forest already looks much better. The burnt trees looked sad but nature didn't gave up and everywhere we could see new young trees, bushes and old burnt trees which had new branches growing. It was beautiful in its own way. Driving through the National Park and seeing all that burnt nature made me realise the scale of this disaster.
Podczas jazdy do Kinglake National Park Marcus stwierdzil "Te drzewa wygladaja dziwnie myslisz, ze byl tu pozar?" i czym blizej centrum Parku bylismy tym wiecej spalonych drzew bylo widac. Jak sie okazalo w 2009 roku 98% lasu splonelo podczas pozaru. Nie bylo to tak dawno, zaledwie 3 lata a las wyglada znacznie lepiej. Spalone drzewa wygladaja bardzo smutno ale widac jak szybko natura zaczela sie odradzac, wszedzie widzielismy nowe drzewka, krzaki a spalone drzewa mialy nowe, mlode galezie. Piekny widok w wyjatkowy sposob. Przejezdzajac przez Park uswiadomilam sobie ogrom tej katastrofy.
You can see that Kinglake National Park is not that far away from Melbourne at all, it took us around 40 minutes to get there from our apartment.
Na mapie widac ze Kinglake National Park jest bardzo blisko Melbourne, dotarcie tam zajelo nam 40 minut od naszego mieszkania.
Jak duzy jest ten wodospad?
ReplyDeleteNie jestem pewno, moze 30 albo 40 metrow
DeleteWidac ze te drzewa sa bardzo smutne zniszczone przez ogien.