Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Last days of Winter

Winter is coming to an end and there is just a few more weeks of the combination of cold and warm days then finally winter will be over. After such a nice, long and pleasant summer, to be honest the first truly amazing summer in my life. I thought that I am finally ready for winter to come but such a thing like being ready for winter does not exist.
I feel like Australia is spoiling me as winter here, compering to Polish or even to the English winter, is really more like late autumn or early spring rather than winter and it last's more or less just three months. 
I am counting the days for winter to be over. I keep telling myself that things will get better after day light savings, when the day's finally will be long again.  I am missing long days with nice, warm weather and lots and lots of sun. Sun make me happy, I feel like I have more energy and I am more positive about things in my life. I can’t wait for the days when I will be leaving work and there is still many hours until the sun goes down.
 I am adding in this post a combination of a few pictures which I took in the last few weeks of winter.

As you can see in these pictures Misia and I are soooooooooooo over winter 2013 :(
 For the last two weeks I have been fighting with an endless flu as well.


  1. taka zima mi sie marzy właśnie...

  2. Yay for spring! :) hope you get better soon to enjoy it. Your blog is looking so pretty! I'm jealous :D

  3. Super masz ta zimę! Jak ja bym chciała żeby zima wyglądała tak w Polsce!! Ja jestem przerażona tym że tu zima przed nami i że znów będzie taka długa i zimna. Weź mnie do siebie ! U Was niedługo wiosną- najpiękniejsza pora roku.
