Sunday, 7 July 2013

One of those good Sundays ...

It was one of those great Sundays when we woke up at 8 am and started our day nice and fresh. 
For those of you who live in Melbourne you may find this information useful. I found a great Dog Obedience Club. They are a not-for-profit Dog Obedience Club run by volunteers. Classes are every Sunday 10 am to 11 am. It was our first class today but I already love it and it is  worth mentioning that every class cost us just $2. How cool is that? 
Here is the link to the Club. HBODC

After the class we went for our first cycling trip with Misia. It went so much better that I was expecting. Misia was a bit suspicious at first but very quickly got used to it. Next Sunday we are going to cycle to our next Obedience Class.